Constance Wu announces the birth of her second child with partner Ryan Kattner

Actress Constance Wu delighted fans with the surprise news of her second child’s arrival during an episode of the PRETTYSMART podcast. Wu, who is famous for her roles in Fresh Off The Boat and Crazy Rich Asians, revealed that she has recently given birth to a son with her partner, musician Ryan Kattner.

The revelation came while Wu was discussing her forthcoming book, ‘Making a Scene’, which is dedicated to her two-year-old daughter whose name remains a secret. She elaborated that the manuscript was penned prior to her son’s birth, marking the first occasion she publicly disclosed the addition of a baby boy to her family. Jokingly Wu said, “Breaking news, nobody knew I had a son.”

Conversing about Wu’s revelation, host Danielle Robay exclaimed, “That’s so exciting to have one of each.” Wu responded that the news even amazed her because, based on her genetic background of her mother having four girls, she presumed she would follow the same path. She declined to divulge her son’s name or his date of birth.

In discussing the differences between raising a girl and a boy, the Hustlers star attributed any perceived differences to the individual personality of the child rather than their gender. She felt it too soon to make any sweeping generalizations solely based on gender. Wu did concede that their experiences as second-time parents were more relaxed and less anxious.

Fans are thrilled for Wu and Kattner on the arrival of their baby boy, expanding their family to four.

Warmest congratulations go to Wu and Kattner on the birth of their son. Best wishes go out to the family as they adjust to life as a four-member family.

Jim Lohinskiy
Jim Lohinskiy
Jim Lohinskiy is an experienced writer and name-interpretation enthusiast. He has dedicated over 3 year to interpreting the meanings of names across cultures. Jim's captivating writing style and deep insights have made him an indispensable part of our team.


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